
Lifestyle Shoots

Christmas Family Photos – Hayli, Rick and Hazel

December 22, 2018

The holidays are here and I have been having a BLAST getting cozy and playing Christmas music with some adorable families!
I wanted to blog this session from the moment it wrapped. Hayli has done an amazing job documenting her journey as a mom (and a family), and I encourage you to check out her Youtube channel: Becoming Baez!

Hayli and Rick began their love story when they met working at the same movie theatre in Scottsdale. He was a barback at the time, and she was the new cocktail waitress! Talk about a match made in heaven 😉 They started dating June 10 2013, got engaged June 10 2016 and got married June 10 2017. They are celebrating their first Christmas with their little one, Hazel, this year!

As mentioned earlier, Hayli and Rick have a Youtube channel together about their lives together since getting married. I recommend checking out her videos as she has released some awesome content on motherhood and the highs and lows of it all. Here are a few things she mentioned to me about parenthood, and how she finds balance:

“Parenthood is HARD. But it’s also more rewarding than I ever expected. The highs are all the smiles, laughter and milestones while the lows are the fussiness and long nights. The highs always outweigh the lows, and Rick and I always make sure we find balance in taking care of her. He knows I’m home with her all day so he makes sure to take over for a while once he’s off work. “
Spending their first holiday together as a family is going to be really special, and they are looking forward to starting some new traditions, like Christmas jammies (you’ll see in the pictures how adorable they are!) and baking for the holidays. Hayli doesn’t get enough credit for her freakin’ amazing baking skills. #WifeHerUp #JKRickAlreadyDid
And without further ado, take a look at the cuteness overload from this little family!!
Couple: Hayli and Rick
Their Youtube Channel: Becoming Baez

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