

Cathedral Rock Couples Session in Sedona | Jennifer + Courtland

March 4, 2019

To say I am in love with this couples session at Cathedral Rock in Sedona is a massive understatement.
Just starting to type this blog post brings back fond memories of this beautiful (but cold) day in Sedona, Arizona. Jennifer and I used to work together over nine years ago, and we recently connected again when she booked one of my in-home mini sessions over the holidays (read about it HERE!) When she asked if I would be down to take some photos of her and Courtland while they were in Sedona for Valentine’s Day, I said ABSOLUTELY!
Cathedral Rock has easily become one of my favorite hikes and favorite places to take photos. While it’s a tough hike, it is a quick hike. However, as long as you’re okay with climbing (and maybe a few breaks), it is wildly enjoyable. The one downside to our day in Sedona was that it had been rainy a few days before and there were freezing cold winds. I made sure to dress in layers and encouraged the two to bring their change of clothes with them so they didn’t freeze.
I highly recommend to anyone looking to do engagement or elopement photos at Cathedral Rock to do the same or at least wear hiking shoes!
Firstly, Jennifer was a freakin’ champ, braving the freezing cold winds in a sleeveless dress and HEELS. I commend her for her bravery and dedication to getting some epic pictures. Some of my favorite photos are the ones of her hair blowing in the wind, of her cuddling close to Courtland for warmth. Talk about the authentic, intimate moments I just love to capture.
Secondly, before I show you these images, I wanted to share something Jennifer recently spoke about her relationship with Courtland that absolutely touched my heart. A love that makes your heart feel full is the best kind of love there is. Hold it close.

“In less than a year of dating, I can already see how much he has changed into a man who will do anything to better our relationship and our lives together. He has grown in so many ways to be the best version of himself for me and I am so proud of who he is and the choices he makes. And he made me realize that I shouldn’t have anything in my life that doesn’t make me feel genuine happiness. I lived so long trying to please everyone else, but since meeting Courtland, I have gotten rid of lots of things that no longer have a positive impact on my life and pursued dreams that I always tried to push out of my head in the past. I’m finally living the life that I want; the life that makes my heart feel full. And I have him to thank for all of that.”


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